
Starting small, but a little in Scotland goes a long way in Rwanda

Doing what we can

A main aim for our trips is simply to bring a bit of fun and attention to disadvantaged kids in Rwanda, through their love of football

However…the reason we set up as a registered charity is to make a bigger and more tangible impact in Rwanda.

At the very least we will donate a load of new/used kit & equipment, and hopefully £5,000 per trip to support our pitch projects

By making these trips more regular, and by registering as a charity, we hope to do even more than that in the future. No lofty ambitions for now, but we do aim to make a difference where we can….

What we’d like to achieve

Each trip

  • A financial donation of £5,000, to support our pitch projects

  • Provide outreach programs with football equipment and resources, mainly used kit

  • Coached football sessions to groups of disadvantaged children each day

Overall and longer term

  • Make more trips, ideally several each year

  • Create a small network of paid contacts in Rwanda to manage the trips and oversee donations

  • Helping to create better football facilities to serve whole communities

More than a shirt…

Everyone loves getting new football kit, don’t they?

It’s a feeling that our own kids know well. Wearing that new shirt for the first time, lacing up a new pair of boots on – the sense of pride and excitement doesn’t go away.

For the kids in Rwanda, it’s a feeling experienced on very rare occasions. A country that has experienced near-unparalleled horrors in the recent past, and is still battling bravely against with poverty, new kit is a luxury beyond their reach. So we’ll take as much kit over as can - it’s the least we can do…